Danville, NH
Gerry Lortie
Data Collector
Mitchell Kelley
Data Collector
Edward Kiczek
Data Collector
Paul Berthiaume
Data Collector
The data collectors are currently working on:
- GH Carter Drive
- Boulder Drive
- Caleb Drive
- Quimby Court
- Lancer Lane
- Sanborn Street
- Main Street
- Back Road
- Brentwood Rd
- Wyman’s Landing
- Michael Drive
- Buck Circle
- Fawn Lane
Contract Assessing
KRT Appraisal provides general assessing expertise for the Town of Danville on an as needed basis. Some of the duties include meeting with taxpayers, administering current use, building permits, reviewing abatement applications and making recommendations to the Board of Assessor’s, completing the MS-1 and other forms required by the State of New Hampshire Department of Revenue Administration.